Listen at the fire, hearts of my heart,
may their deeds never be lost to the winds,
may their names never be unspoken,
come, sing!
Dan'yel, Prince of the House of Kasuf and Voice of the Gods, is called upon to evaluate his heart-twin's choice.
[ At first Oneer is hesitant and suspicious - there is much anger in him. But Dan'yel is a prince of the House of Kasuf, and his will is not to be lightly set aside. Oneer's story is much as any man's. ]
Oasis, by ivorygates
A courtship.
[ The days of Oneer are a matter which is different in kind entirely. He has made himself properly useful to the House, neither laboring from dawn to dusk as if he holds himself as meanly as a servant, nor spending his days lying upon the cushions of idleness as if he thought himself a pampered guest whose good opinion the House must court. ]
Veil, by ivorygates
Dana're and Oneer pledge their marriage, and yet her heart is not light.
[ Oneer was five turns of the moons in the House of Kasuf when it became known that he would take Dana're of the House of Kasuf for his wife, and in that time he had become known to all of Nagada as a good man. ]
Dana're turns to her heart-twin for guidance.
[ "Voice of the Gods, I would have speech with you," she repeats, and Dan'yel's chill grows colder, for never has his twin called upon him in his role of knower-of-knowings; indeed he would have thought she never would. "For I am in need of your wisdom." ]
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