
For northernveil: Chris/Lance. "Love is like jazz: You make it up as you go along, and you act as if you really knew the song, but you don't and you never will, so you flaunt your mistakes and you make them until they were you."

"What the hell are we doing?" Lance asked on a long groan, and fell back against the pillows.

Chris seemed remarkably unconcerned by the question, but then again, he was climbing over Lance's thighs and doing that thing with his tongue and Lance was pretty sure that if he'd been in that position, he wouldn't have been concerned either. "I don't know about you, but I have the strangest feeling that we're in bed, mostly naked, and about to have sex for a few hours, or possibly a few days. And then when we're done, we're going to get up, take a shower, drink some coffee, eat something that's really really bad for us, maybe call Joey and brag because Joey always wants to know when someone else in the world is having mad passionate kinky sex, and come back and do it again. Except maybe with toys that time."

"No, that's not what I meant," Lance managed, coherent despite that thing that Chris was doing with his tongue, which he really thought was probably illegal in seven states, one of which was probably Florida. "I meant. Unrgh. Big picture. What are we doing with the big picture. I mean, are we just having sex now, and that's it? Is this some kind of one night stand? Are we settling down and raising babies? Should we start considering our move to Vermont? Are you going to start going all creepy-stalker on me if I don't call you quickly enough? I just want to know where on the commitment scale this falls."

"You think too much, Bass," Chris said, and let his teeth close over the soft skin just over Lance's hip. "It's kind of like the definition of obscenity. You'll know it when you see it."

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